Sunday, March 7, 2010

CS012 Blog

The PBS video brought up many good points about the online "world" we live in today. The main point however, discussed the idea that teenagers who are growing up in today's society may have a totally different virtual life online, away from rules, school, and their parents. Teenagers often use the internet as a way to communicate, whether by instant messaging or e-mail, and as a means to express themselves either by posting videos on youtube, or by creating a profile on networking websites such as facebook or myspace. The video also expressed the idea that there are no rules as to what one can or cannot do online. Whether by posting inappropriate pictures or videos, teenagers are free to do whatever they'd like online, for it is simply a way of expressing oneself without having to worry about the stresses of everyday life, and one's parents.
The Obama article explains how Obama used online networking to help him in his campaign and fund-raising efforts. The article explains how he raised $55 million in one month just from his website. His website, helped him tremendously in his campaigning efforts, and was key to his success as a presidential candidate. The article continues on saying how more people now than ever have access to the web and to social networking sites.
The second life article is about a multiplayer online game that allows people to basically have a "second life" online. On second life you can do whatever you usually do, just online. It allows for people with disabilities to be able to socialize and communicate, without having to worry about our disability. It allows for people to build whatever they want, drive whatever car they want and much more. However, second life has been used more and more for abused children as a way to teach them social skills. I feel that second life can be very beneficial if used to help abused to children, however, I also feel that people without disabilities should have no need for such a thing.


  1. I agree with the points that this blogger makes. I agree with him in the first where there needs to be mo0re online regulation for teenagers that use online networking as a means of communication

    I agree with also abouyt the Obama campaign using his website as as tool This was a genious idea on part of o7ur current presidents campaign managers.

  2. I believe that the internet makes almost everyone have some sort of a second life, not just kids. People who have accounts with social networks such as Facebook and Myspace often extend the truth about themselves.

  3. I feel the same way. The internet can be very beneficial and helpful to people who have trouble expressing their feelings in a real life scenario. The online world can help those kinds of people with their socializing skills and make them more confident in themselves.
